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Performance management system is a principal tool in achieving corporate objectives in that it links those objectives with employee goals and achievements.

It focuses on improving performance through matching outcomes against individual, departments and organizational objectives, and to the training and development needs of employees at all organizational levels.

Managers using performance management system effectively are generally more concerned with performance planning and improvement and performance assessment.
Performance management system is an accepted management practice operating within organizations because it can be a valuable process for employees and employers alike.

It provides for both recognition of high performance and early detection of performance that is not meeting expectations, allowing prompt remedial action to be taken. Benefits of performance management system At a macro level performance management assists organisations to match outcomes with company objectives.

It provides a system for improving organization performance and outcomes, within the Company’s objectives and policy framework, while maintaining good industrial relations.

Links achievements at all levels of the organisation with corporate, business and departmental objectives.
It generates benefits throughout organizational functions and processes.

Introducing outcomes focused culture and increasing motivation.
Recognizes that people are the organization’s most valuable resource, and that people are the key to an innovative, professional and service-oriented public service

Performance management emphasizes the relationship between the management and development of people and an effective organisation, and provides a fair and equitable environment for improving performance.

Encouraging structured feedback from employees and supervisors on performance and career planning and from the community on organizational performance; Clarifying expectations, roles, responsibilities and resources required to achieve goals; The system is regularly reviewed, with particular attention given to key elements (eg process of reviewing individual performance; provision of helpful feedback; updating of key accountabilities, criteria and indicators; and training and development plans); PMS provides -as a valuable input to skills inventories for manpower planning; -helps to identify what to pay and what will serve as an equitable monetary package; -helps to clarify who could be trained -helps to determine who could be promoted -provides the development planning
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FREE TRAINING By World's No.1 Site Wikipedia


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By World's No.1 Site Wikipedia

Duration: 40 Days Venue: Wikipedia Website

Timings: Any time you can open and can take training

Support: Any time 24/7

We called as Special training because:

  • Real Time Employees will teach & answers your queries
  • Real Time Scenarios
  • Real Time System screen shots step by step configuration
  • Post training support like Resume & Interview tips with exact requirement, we provide top companies HR email ID's and every day vacancy list.

Special Topics apart from general topics:

  • We teach special topics like following where no any dare to reach
  • Payroll & Time Schema's
  • Payroll & Time PCR's (Personal Calculation Rules)
  • Rates of Pay
  • Factoring/Pro-ration
  • Wage type Valuation
  • Time Quota's & Time Types
  • Time Evaluation
  • Absence Valuation
  • Integration wit FICO & other Modules
  • And more and more....list will not stop
  • Totally End-to-End implementation Process

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